Do you know what I mean by that coming home feeling? Being in a place where you just feel known and loved, and feel relaxed and connected to people. That is what we want all our services to be like. A place where people can come home and feel connected to each other and connected to God. We are a family from all ages and backgrounds, supporting, encouraging and inspiring one another. 

Before the service begins we will normally start with a time just to hang out and we have a café serving hot drinks, bacon rolls and more! If you have preschool or Reception to Year 2 children, you can drop them off to their group in the warehouse before the service begins from 8.50am.

We will begin the service with a few songs of worship, and then have a space for a more reflective time, perhaps listening to scripture being read in Lectio Divina style or some music. We will then have some teaching from the bible, followed by some space just to allow God to minister his love directly to us through his Holy Spirit and to receive 1-2-1 prayer ministry for those who would like that, aiming to finish by 9.45am.

We hope this connection point each week with God, and each other, is what helps you to find faith and fuels your faith for the week ahead, so you can put it all into action wherever you do life!

Hope to see you soon, and please do get in touch if you have any questions. 

Jerry and Anna

PS: And if you are new, please come round to my house for a Welcome Tea where I can explain more of the vision of the church, you can ask any questions you have and you can get to know some other new people. For details of the next newcomers tea email Hannah.